Yasso Ice Cream is a popular brand of “healthy” ice cream that offers low calorie and low sugar options. It has gained attention for its high protein content and use of alternative ingredients such as Greek yogurt. But is Yasso Ice Cream actually healthy? Let’s find out.

Key Takeaways:

  • Yasso Ice Cream offers low calorie and low sugar options.
  • It is made with Greek yogurt and alternative sweeteners.
  • Yasso Ice Cream is gluten-free and some flavors are dairy-free.
  • Reviews suggest that Yasso Ice Cream may not have the best taste and texture.
  • There are other healthier ice cream alternatives available.

Yasso Ice Cream Nutrition Facts and Ingredients

When considering the healthiness of Yasso Ice Cream, it is important to look at its nutrition facts and ingredients. With around 100-150 calories per serving, Yasso Ice Cream is relatively low in calories compared to traditional ice cream. It also contains a moderate amount of protein, with about 5-6 grams per serving. These factors can make it a favorable choice for those looking to indulge in a sweet treat without consuming excessive calories or sacrificing protein intake.

Yasso Ice Cream is also suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions. It is gluten-free, making it a suitable option for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Additionally, some flavors of Yasso Ice Cream are dairy-free, which is beneficial for individuals who are lactose intolerant or follow a dairy-free diet.

When examining the ingredients of Yasso Ice Cream, you’ll find a blend of quality components. One of the key ingredients is Greek yogurt, which not only adds a creamy texture but also provides a good source of protein. Yasso Ice Cream also incorporates natural flavors to enhance its taste. As for sweeteners, it utilizes erythritol and stevia, which are low-calorie alternatives to regular sugar.

Nutritional Information (per serving) Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry
Calories 120 140 130
Protein (g) 5 6 5
Carbohydrates (g) 17 20 18
Sugar (g) 11 13 12
Fat (g) 3.5 4.5 4
Fiber (g) 0 1 0

These nutritional values may vary slightly depending on the flavor of Yasso Ice Cream. It is important to note that while Yasso Ice Cream offers a healthier alternative to traditional ice cream, moderation is still key to maintaining a balanced diet.

Yasso Ice Cream Taste Test and Reviews

When it comes to the taste of Yasso Ice Cream, opinions are divided. In a blind taste test conducted by Reviewed, Halo Top emerged as the favorite “healthy” ice cream brand, surpassing Yasso Ice Cream by a significant margin. While Yasso received an overall score of 2.99 out of 5, Halo Top took the lead with an impressive score of 4.09 out of 5.

“Yasso Ice Cream lacked the creaminess and richness that I expected from ice cream. It had a grainy texture and the flavors were underwhelming,” commented one tester.

Testers found that Yasso Ice Cream was lacking in flavor and some even described it as tasting like “vanilla water.” Others mentioned a strong aftertaste that detracted from their enjoyment. However, taste preferences can vary, and some individuals may appreciate the simplicity of Yasso Ice Cream’s flavors.

While Yasso Ice Cream may not have impressed in this taste test, it’s important to remember that taste is subjective. Some people may still find enjoyment in the lightness of Yasso’s ice cream and appreciate the option for a healthier treat. Ultimately, it’s up to personal preference whether Yasso Ice Cream is the right fit for your taste buds.

Yasso Ice Cream Taste Test Results:

Brand Overall Score
Halo Top 4.09 out of 5
Yasso Ice Cream 2.99 out of 5

Are There Healthier Ice Cream Alternatives?

When it comes to finding a healthier alternative to traditional ice cream, Yasso Ice Cream is just one option. If you’re looking for even more choices, there are plenty of alternatives available that offer a lower calorie and lower sugar content.

A popular option is low calorie frozen yogurt. Brands like TCBY and Julie’s Organic offer a variety of flavors that can satisfy your sweet tooth while keeping the calorie count in check. These frozen yogurts typically have a lower sugar content as well, making them a great choice for those looking to reduce their sugar intake.

Other brands like Halo Top and Enlightened also offer low calorie and low sugar ice creams. These brands have gained a loyal following for their delicious flavors and guilt-free indulgence. Whether you’re craving classic flavors or unique combinations, these ice creams provide a healthier alternative without sacrificing taste.

If you prefer to have more control over the ingredients in your frozen treats, you can also make your own at home. Using natural ingredients like fruit and coconut milk, you can create a refreshing and healthier option. There are plenty of recipes available online that cater to different dietary needs and flavor preferences.

Ultimately, the choice of a healthier ice cream alternative depends on your individual dietary needs and taste preferences. Whether you opt for low calorie frozen yogurt, brands like Halo Top and Enlightened, or homemade creations, there are plenty of options to satisfy your ice cream cravings without compromising your health goals.


Is Yasso Ice Cream healthy?

Yasso Ice Cream is marketed as a healthier ice cream option due to its low calorie and low sugar content. However, it’s important to consider your individual dietary needs and preferences when choosing a healthier ice cream alternative.

What are the nutrition facts and ingredients of Yasso Ice Cream?

Yasso Ice Cream contains around 100-150 calories per serving and has a moderate protein content of about 5-6 grams per serving. It is gluten-free and some flavors are dairy-free. The ingredients include Greek yogurt, natural flavors, and sweeteners like erythritol and stevia.

How did Yasso Ice Cream perform in taste tests and reviews?

In a blind taste test conducted by Reviewed, Yasso Ice Cream received an overall score of 2.99 out of 5. Testers found the texture to be grainy and the flavor lacking. However, taste preferences can vary, and some people may enjoy the flavors offered by Yasso Ice Cream.

Are there healthier ice cream alternatives to Yasso?

Yes, there are other alternatives available. Frozen yogurt brands like TCBY and Julie’s Organic offer lower calorie and lower sugar options. Other brands like Halo Top and Enlightened also provide low calorie and low sugar ice creams. Additionally, homemade frozen treats using natural ingredients like fruit and coconut milk can be a healthier choice.

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